阿塞拜疆的COP29会议强调希望和应对气候变化的集体行动。 COP29 conference in Azerbaijan stresses hope and collective action against climate change.
在阿塞拜疆举行的缔约方会议第二十九届会议气候会议强调了保持应对气候变化的希望和动机的重要性。 The COP29 climate conference in Azerbaijan emphasizes the importance of maintaining hope and motivation in the fight against climate change. 尽管面临地缘政治挑战和怀疑,首脑会议强调,需要集体努力和乐观,以实现有意义的环境进步和保护人的生命。 Despite geopolitical challenges and skepticism, the summit underscores the need for collective effort and optimism to achieve meaningful environmental progress and protect human life.