加拿大当局挫败了据称伊朗暗杀人权活动分子Irwin Cotler的阴谋。 Canadian authorities foiled an alleged Iranian plot to assassinate human rights activist Irwin Cotler.
加拿大当局挫败了据称伊朗特工针对人权倡导者前司法部长Irwin Cotler的暗杀阴谋。 Canadian authorities thwarted an alleged assassination plot by Iranian agents targeting human rights advocate Irwin Cotler, a former justice minister. 科特勒(Cotler)是伊朗的直言不讳的批评家, 自2023年10月以来就一直受到加拿大皇家骑警的保护。 Cotler, an outspoken critic of Iran, has been under RCMP protection since October 2023. 加拿大安全情报局警告他即将面临威胁,并采取了额外的安全措施。 The Canadian Security Intelligence Service warned him of an imminent threat, and additional security measures were put in place. 联邦调查局还就伊朗对批评者的威胁与Cotler联系。 The FBI has also contacted Cotler regarding Iranian threats against critics.