加拿大皇家骑警指控一名 GTA 嫌疑人因参与恐怖活动和为未成年人提供咨询而犯有与恐怖主义相关的罪行。 RCMP charges a GTA suspect with terror-related offenses for participating in terrorist activities and counseling a minor.
警方指控一名多伦多地区的嫌疑人犯有与恐怖主义有关的罪行, RCMP charges a Greater Toronto Area suspect with terror-related offenses for participating in terrorist activities and counseling another individual to commit terrorism. 个人当时是未成年人,不能根据《青年刑事司法法》命名。 The individual, who was a minor at the time, cannot be named under the Youth Criminal Justice Act. 目前没有发现任何公众风险,被告将于8月27日通过视频连线出庭。 No public risks are identified at this time, and the accused will appear in court via video link on August 27. 加拿大皇家骑警仍然对加拿大暴力极端主义日益加剧的趋势感到关切。 The RCMP remains concerned about the growing trend of violent extremism in Canada.