文章强调爱尔兰的COPD意识,许多案例在世界COPD日活动之前未经诊断。 Article highlights COPD awareness in Ireland, where many cases go undiagnosed, ahead of World COPD Day events.
3名爱尔兰妇女分享了慢性阻塞性肺病(COPD)的经验,强调医疗帮助和支助小组的重要性。 Three Irish women share their experiences with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), emphasizing the importance of medical help and support groups. 爱尔兰的COPD支持报告显示,爱尔兰约有38万人可能患有COPD,但只有约11万人被诊断出患有COPD. COPD Support Ireland reports that while around 380,000 people in Ireland likely have COPD, only about 110,000 are diagnosed. 他们正在通过11月20日的世界COPD日活动提高人们的认识,提供免费的呼吸测试和支持。 They are raising awareness with World COPD Day events on November 20, offering free breathing tests and support.