爱尔兰的人均医院床位数量在欧盟中排名第五,2022 年每 100,000 人仅有 291 张病床,比欧盟平均水平低 43%。 Ireland has the 5th lowest hospital beds per capita in EU, with 291 beds per 100,000 people in 2022, 43% below the EU average.
爱尔兰的人均医院床位数量在欧盟国家中排名第五,2022 年每 100,000 人拥有 291 张病床,比欧盟平均水平 516 张病床低 43%。 Ireland has the 5th lowest number of hospital beds per capita among EU countries, with 291 beds per 100,000 people in 2022, 43% below the EU average of 516 beds. 尽管过去十年爱尔兰的医院床位数量增加了28%,但其供应量仍然远低于大多数欧盟国家。 Despite a 28% increase in hospital beds over the past decade, Ireland's provision remains significantly lower than the majority of EU nations. 这些数字仅包括住院护理床位,不包括日间护理和门诊护理床位。 The figures only include in-patient care beds and exclude day care and outpatient care beds.