AP计划通过裁员和买断来削减8%的劳动力,以关注数字新闻。 AP plans to cut 8% of its workforce through layoffs and buyouts to focus on digital news.
美联社计划裁员8%, 将裁员与自愿买断结合起来, 以适应不断变化的媒体环境, The Associated Press (AP) plans to cut its workforce by 8%, combining layoffs and voluntary buyouts, to adapt to the changing media landscape and focus more on digital news. 这些削减将影响到不到一半的新闻部门,向美国雇员提供了大约120项买断报价。 The cuts will affect less than half of the news division, with about 120 buyout offers extended to U.S. employees. AP的目的是,在工作人员过渡以满足不断变化的客户需求时,通过离职和医疗保险支持工作人员。 The AP aims to support staff through severance and health coverage as it transitions to meet evolving customer needs.