自2021年以来,英国警察的殴打事件增加了23%,警官每天都面临暴力和创伤。 UK police assaults rise 23% since 2021, with officers facing daily violence and trauma.
对英国警官的暴力攻击激增,自2021年以来,攻击事件增加了23%。 Violent attacks on UK police officers have surged, with a 23% increase in assaults since 2021. 军官现在面临着被咬、被刺和被碾死等身体危险,导致每天的攻击,造成严重的身心创伤。 Officers now face physical dangers like being bitten, stabbed, and run over, leading to daily attacks that have caused significant physical and emotional trauma. 警方正开始轮班, 期待面对暴力, 突显出攻击事件前所未有地增加。 Police are starting their shifts expecting to face violence, highlighting the unprecedented rise in assaults. 官员们强调,此类袭击是犯罪行为,处罚加重。 Officials stress that such attacks are criminal acts with escalating penalties.