安大略省诺福克县的无家可归现象上升;地方领导人敦促政府采取行动。 Norfolk County, Ontario sees homelessness rise; local leaders urge governments for action.
在安大略省诺福克县,由于粮食和燃料费用上涨、精神保健服务有限以及缺乏负担得起的住房,无家可归现象正在升级。 Homelessness in Norfolk County, Ontario is escalating due to rising food and fuel costs, limited mental health services, and a lack of affordable housing. 地方领导人支持“解决危机”运动,敦促省和联邦政府立即采取行动。 Local leaders support the "Solve the Crisis" campaign, urging provincial and federal governments for immediate action. 这场运动要求设立一个专门的部委和多部门工作队来解决这个问题,当地慈善机构,如教会服务组织,要求政府为无家可归者收容所提供更多资金。 The campaign calls for a dedicated ministry and multi-sector task force to address the issue, with local charities like Church Out Serving pushing for more government funding for homeless shelters.