滑铁卢地区的无家可归者人数翻了一番,达到2 371人,引发了关于筹资和营地清理的辩论。 Waterloo Region's homelessness has doubled to 2,371, sparking debates over funding and encampment clearance.
滑铁卢地区无家可归者的人数在三年内翻了一番,达到2 371人,导致人们呼吁提供更多资金和资源。 The number of homeless individuals in Waterloo Region has doubled to 2,371 over three years, leading to a call for more funding and resources. 市长们有争议地要求省政府使用法律条款清除营地,而议员们则强烈反对。 Mayors have controversially asked the provincial government to use a legal clause to clear encampments, while councillors urge against it. 2025年预算草案包括6 090万美元用于无家可归举措。 The draft 2025 budget includes $60.9 million for homelessness initiatives. 与此同时,渥太华也面临着类似的危机,有12,000多户家庭被列入可负担得起的住房等待名单,而有毒毒品危机又加剧了这一问题。 Meanwhile, Ottawa faces a similar crisis, with over 12,000 households on a waitlist for affordable housing and the issue exacerbated by a toxic drug crisis.