火灾导致沃思堡公寓部分倒塌,损坏了16个单元,居民流离失所。 Fire causes partial collapse of Fort Worth apartment, damaging 16 units and displacing residents.
星期五晚上,Worth堡一个两层楼的公寓发生火灾,导致部分建筑物坍塌,16个单元受损。 A fire at a two-story Fort Worth apartment on Friday night led to a partial building collapse and damaged 16 units. 消防员面临挑战,原因是供水不足和交通流量损坏了他们的水管,迫使他们采用防御战略。 Firefighters faced challenges due to insufficient water supply and traffic damaging their hoses, forcing them to use a defensive strategy. 红十字会正在援助流离失所的居民,据报有一名平民受伤,但未获证实。 The Red Cross is assisting displaced residents, and one civilian injury was reported but not confirmed. 火灾的起因正在调查之中。 The cause of the fire is under investigation.