亚行发起“从冰川到农场”计划,以改善中亚、南高加索和巴基斯坦的用水和粮食安全。 ADB launches "Glaciers to Farms" to enhance water use and food security in Central Asia, South Caucasus, and Pakistan.
亚洲开发银行(亚行)发起了“从冰川到农场”区域倡议,目的是在中亚、南高加索和巴基斯坦加强水的使用和粮食安全。 The Asian Development Bank (ADB) launched "Glaciers to Farms," a regional initiative to enhance water use and food security in Central Asia, the South Caucasus, and Pakistan. 该方案旨在筹集最多35亿美元用于水和农业投资,特别是在受冰川融化影响的地区。 The program aims to mobilize up to $3.5 billion for water and agriculture investments, especially in areas affected by glacial melt. 它将支持脆弱的山区社区,并获得绿色气候基金的支持。 It will support communities in fragile mountain regions and is backed by the Green Climate Fund (GCF).