West Nipissing理事会考虑在按下行人按钮后延长红灯时间,以改善选定十字路口的安全性。 West Nipissing council considers extending red light duration after pedestrian button press for improved safety at select intersections.
West Nipissing理事会正在评估在选定十字路口采用延迟绿灯以改善行人安全的情况。 West Nipissing council is evaluating the introduction of delayed green lights at select intersections to improve pedestrian safety. 该倡议由Kris Rivard议员提出,旨在延长行人按步行键后红色交通灯的长度,提高能见度。 Proposed by Councillor Kris Rivard, the initiative aims to extend the duration of red traffic lights after pedestrians press the walk button, enhancing visibility. 目标十字路口包括 King 和 Front、Nipissing 和 Front 以及 Coursol 和 Front Streets。 Targeted intersections include King and Front, Nipissing and Front, and Coursol and Front Streets. 理事会计划在实施这一系统之前修理目前的交通灯。 The council plans to repair current traffic lights before implementing this system.