据工会称,波音公司在圣路易斯省解雇了111名机械师,但没有说明具体原因。 Boeing lays off 111 mechanics in St. Louis, citing no specific reasons, according to a union.
据该工会称,波音公司解雇了111名在圣路易为工会工作的机械师。 Boeing has laid off 111 mechanics working for a union in St. Louis, according to the union. 国际机械师协会(机械师协会)确认裁员,尽管没有具体说明决定背后的原因。 The International Association of Machinists (IAM) confirms the layoffs, though the reasons behind the decision are not specified. 这影响到当地劳动力,并可能表明波音公司的业务发生更广泛的变化。 This affects the local workforce and could indicate broader changes in Boeing's operations.