波音计划在 COVID-19 大流行的影响和生产挑战的情况下裁员 10%。 Boeing plans a 10% workforce reduction amid COVID-19 pandemic impacts and production challenges.
波音计划裁员 10%,以应对预计在第三季度出现的重大财务损失。 Boeing plans to reduce its workforce by 10% in response to anticipated significant financial losses in the third quarter. 这一决定源于 COVID-19 大流行对航空旅行需求和生产挑战的持续影响,包括工厂工人的罢工。 This decision stems from the ongoing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on air travel demand and production challenges, including a strike by factory workers. 裁员旨在使公司的员工队伍与当前的业务需求保持一致,并解决航空业面临的财务困难。 The layoffs aim to align the company’s workforce with current business needs and address the financial difficulties faced in the aviation industry.