在黎巴嫩遭虐待的获救狮子Sara, 在危险旅程后抵达南非的避难所。 Rescued lion cub Sara, abused in Lebanon, arrives at South African sanctuary after perilous journey.
一名4个半月大的狮子幼崽叫Sara, 在黎巴嫩从虐待中获救, 来到南非野生生物保护区。 A four-and-a-half-month-old lion cub named Sara, rescued from abuse in Lebanon, has arrived at a wildlife sanctuary in South Africa. Sara被黎巴嫩动物组织在社交媒体上发现, Sara was discovered on social media by Animals Lebanon, who filed a case to retrieve her. 她的旅程包括一艘游艇和国际航空公司因冲突而停止服务后多次飞行。 Her journey involved a yacht and multiple flights after international airlines halted services due to conflict. 她是自真主党-以色列冲突开始以来被该团体救出的第五只狮子幼崽。 She is the fifth lion cub rescued by the group since the Hezbollah-Israel conflict began.