从乌克兰冲突中解救出来的2名狮子到达苏格兰五姐妹动物园作为避难所。 2 lionesses rescued from Ukraine conflict arrive at Scotland's Five Sisters Zoo for sanctuary.
两个雌狮子, 卢娜和普拉斯扎, 在持续冲突中从乌克兰获救后, 抵达了苏格兰的五姐妹动物园. Two lionesses, Luna and Plusza, have arrived at Five Sisters Zoo in Scotland after being rescued from Ukraine amid the ongoing conflict. 他们于2022年从遭受猛烈炮击的地区撤离,在基辅接受医疗,然后通过波兰和比利时的动物园迁移。 They were evacuated in 2022 from an area under heavy shelling and received medical care in Kyiv, then relocated through zoos in Poland and Belgium. 动物园致力于拯救狮子,为这对动物提供专门设计的栖息地,继续其为动物提供安全避难所的传统。 The zoo, committed to rescuing lions, provides a specially designed habitat for the pair, continuing its tradition of offering animals a safe haven.