三名北非年轻的狮子幼崽在Whipsnade Zoo首演, Three young Northern African lion cubs made their debut at Whipsnade Zoo, part of a vital conservation effort.
英国惠普斯奈德动物园 (Whipsnade Zoo) 的三只 9 周大的北非幼狮在母亲的照看下迈出了走出去的第一步。 Three nine-week-old Northern African lion cubs at Whipsnade Zoo in the UK have taken their first steps outside, under their mother's watchful eye. 幼崽生于11月25日, 是2017年确认的育种计划的一部分。 Born on November 25, the cubs are part of a breeding program crucial for preserving their threatened sub-species, recognized in 2017. 正在对一只幼熊进行可能腿部受伤的监测。 One cub is being monitored for a potential leg injury. 幼崽的到来将动物园的自豪感带给六只狮子 支持全球的养护努力 The cubs' arrival brings the zoo's pride to six lions and supports global conservation efforts.