威尔士教会支持修改法律,将维护封闭墓地的费用转由地方当局承担。 The Church in Wales supports a law change to shift the cost of maintaining closed graveyards to local authorities.
威尔士的教会支持一项拟议的法律改革,它将把维护整个教堂墓地的责任从教会教会转变为地方当局,类似于英格兰的制度。 The Church in Wales backs a proposed law change that would shift the responsibility of maintaining full church graveyards from congregations to local authorities, similar to the system in England. 这一改变正在协商中,教会支持这一改变,认为维持关闭的墓地没有任何收入,是一项沉重的财政负担。 This change is under consultation, and the Church supports it, arguing that maintaining closed graveyards without any income is a heavy financial burden. 政府将审查有关建议,并在协商期之后就立法作出决定。 The government will review recommendations and decide on legislation after the consultation period.