荷兰正在注视欧盟将于2026年启动的新的海关机构的东道国申请。 The Netherlands is eyeing a bid to host the EU's new customs agency, set to launch in 2026.
荷兰正在考虑投标担任即将于2026年成立并于2028年全面运作的欧洲联盟海关机构的东道国。 The Netherlands is considering bidding to host the European Union's upcoming customs agency, set for establishment in 2026 and full operation by 2028. 该机构旨在帮助欧盟各国评估高风险货运,特别是贩毒和税务欺诈。 The agency aims to help EU countries assess high-risk shipments, especially regarding drug trafficking and tax fraud. 荷兰财政部认为,由于荷兰作为贸易枢纽的作用及其增加的海关工作量,去年处理了10亿多份申报单,荷兰财政部认为该机构非常合适。 The Dutch Ministry of Finance sees the agency as a good fit due to the country's role as a trading hub and its increased customs workload, having processed over a billion declarations last year.