阿塞拜疆采用新的数字海关系统,以提高贸易效率和增加国家收入。 Azerbaijan adopts new digital customs systems to enhance trade efficiency and boost state revenues.
阿塞拜疆正在实施新的数字海关系统,以增加收入和简化贸易,包括电子通知系统和数字海关价值系统。 Azerbaijan is implementing new digital customs systems to boost revenue and streamline trade, including an electronic notification system and a digital customs value system. 这些倡议旨在提高透明度、效率和与欧盟等国际市场的合作。 These initiatives aim to increase transparency, efficiency, and cooperation with international markets like the EU. 现在,海关收入对国家预算的贡献为18%,对国内生产总值的贡献为5.2%,比2022年增加了12.4%。 Customs revenues now contribute 18% to the state budget and 5.2% to GDP, marking a 12.4% increase from 2022. 改革还包括为企业提供具体的海关福利,推动海关管制的完全数字化。 The reforms also include specific customs benefits for businesses and a push towards full digitalization of customs controls.