保加利亚拦截了33批走私货物,防止了1 660万英镑的利润和海上救命。 Bulgaria intercepts 33 smuggling shipments, preventing £16.6m in profits and saving lives at sea.
保加利亚已成为国际人口走私的关键地点,特别是在便利从中国到联合王国的不安全船只旅行方面。 Bulgaria has become a key location for international people smuggling, particularly in facilitating unsafe boat trips from China to the UK. 保加利亚各机构与英国当局合作,在过去一年中拦截了33批货物,扣押了125艘充气船、128个发动机等。 In collaboration with British authorities, Bulgarian agencies have intercepted 33 shipments over the past year, seizing 125 inflatable boats, 128 engines, and more. 这一行动使走私者避免了大约1 660万英镑的利润,突出了打击有组织犯罪和保护海上生命的持续努力。 This operation has prevented around £16.6 million in profits for smugglers, highlighting ongoing efforts to combat organized crime and protect lives at sea.