危地马拉上诉法庭不顾先前的裁决,将记者José Rubén Zamora送回监狱。 Guatemalan appeals court sends journalist José Rubén Zamora back to jail despite earlier ruling.
危地马拉的一个上诉法院推翻了对El Periódico报纸创办人José Rubén Zamora的软禁令,将他送回监狱。 An appeals court in Guatemala has overturned a house arrest order for José Rubén Zamora, founder of El Periódico newspaper, sending him back to jail. Zamora因洗钱罪被监禁了两年多,尽管他最初的六年刑期因程序错误而被推翻。 Zamora has been jailed for over two years on money laundering charges, though his initial six-year sentence was overturned due to procedural errors. 他的辩护小组已经接到决定通知 His defense team has been notified of the decision.