美国最高法院下令对2017年德克萨斯州记者非法逮捕案进行第五巡回重新评估。 U.S. Supreme Court orders 5th Circuit reassessment of 2017 Texas journalist's wrongful arrest case.
美国最高法院已指示美国第五法院 The U.S. Supreme Court has instructed the 5th U.S. 上诉法院巡回法庭重新评估Priscilla Villarreal一案,他是德州在线记者,2017年因要求提供非公共警察信息而被捕。 Circuit Court of Appeals to reassess the case of Priscilla Villarreal, a Texas online journalist arrested in 2017 for requesting nonpublic police information. 比利亚雷亚尔最初被州法官以违宪为由驳回,但比利亚雷亚尔对拉雷多官员的损害赔偿诉讼此前因法律豁免权而被驳回。 Initially dismissed by a state judge as unconstitutional, Villarreal's lawsuit against Laredo officials for damages was previously rejected due to legal immunity. 最高法院的审查是在6月份就非法逮捕作出类似裁决之后进行的。 The Supreme Court's review follows a similar ruling from June regarding wrongful arrests.