德里高等法院推翻了在与印度天然气权利争端中支持依赖工业的1.7B裁决。 Delhi High Court overturns $1.7B award favoring Reliance Industries in gas rights dispute with India.
德里高等法院在与印度政府关于天然气开采权的争端中推翻了一项17亿美元的仲裁裁决,该裁决有利于Reliance Industries Ltd(RIL)。 The Delhi High Court has overturned a $1.7 billion arbitration award in favor of Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) in a dispute with the Indian government over gas extraction rights. 法院支持政府的说法,即里革党及其伙伴不公正地从国营国家天然气公司拥有的地区抽取天然气而受益。 The court sided with the government's claim that RIL and its partners unjustly benefited from extracting gas from areas owned by state-run ONGC. 这一决定可能导致政府强制执行其对里国及其外国伙伴的索赔要求。 This decision could lead to the government enforcing its claim against RIL and its foreign partners.