印度最高法院推翻了NGT的裁决,理由是评估和程序不充分。 Supreme Court of India overturns NGT decision, citing inadequate evaluation and process.
印度最高法院推翻了国家绿色法庭(NGT)的一项命令,批评NGT仅根据委员会的报告作出决定而不考虑所有事实。 The Supreme Court of India has overturned an order by the National Green Tribunal (NGT), criticizing the NGT for basing its decision solely on a committee's report without considering all facts. 法院裁定,NGT未能对案件进行适当评估,未充分涉及该公司。 The Court ruled that the NGT failed to properly evaluate the case and involved the company inadequately. 此事已发回国家政府重新审议,强调需要对案件进行彻底评估。 The matter has been sent back to the NGT for fresh consideration, highlighting the need for thorough case assessment.