在一所学校的一辆汽车上发现的骨头最初令人震惊,但被发现来自鹿。 Bones found in a vehicle at a school were initially alarming but were found to be from a deer.
在卡姆达顿湖职业和技术中心消防部门示威期间,在一辆汽车中发现的Bones最初令人震惊,但后来被确认为属于一只鹿。 Bones found in a vehicle during a fire department demonstration at Lake Career and Technical Center in Camdenton were initially alarming but were later identified as belonging to a deer. 卡姆登县警长办公室和中区防火区参与了这一事件,疏散了学生,并与法医和养护专家进行了磋商。 The Camden County Sheriff's Office and Mid-County Fire Protection District were involved in the incident, evacuating students and consulting with forensic and conservation experts. 当局强调,这些骨头往往来自鹿,并鼓励报告任何类似发现。 Authorities emphasized that such bones are often from deer and encouraged reporting any similar finds.