英格兰银行行长敦促英国修复与欧盟的联系, Bank of England Governor urges UK to mend ties with EU, citing Brexit's harm to economy.
英格兰银行行长Andrew Bailey敦促英国重建与欧盟的关系,同时承认Brexit对经济,特别是货物贸易产生了不利影响。 Bank of England Governor Andrew Bailey urges the UK to rebuild its relations with the EU while acknowledging that Brexit has negatively impacted the economy, particularly trade in goods. 他强调需要在联合王国实现经济增长和企业投资,同时尊重 " 双边 " 成果。 He emphasizes the need for economic growth and business investment in the UK, while respecting the Brexit outcome. Bailey还强调了更广泛的经济挑战,包括生产力增长疲弱和地缘政治冲击。 Bailey also highlights broader economic challenges, including weak productivity growth and geopolitical shocks.