研究人员发现,氯和可可黄油糊可以治疗珊瑚疾病,而不会损害海洋。 Researchers find that a chlorine and cocoa butter paste treats coral diseases without harming the ocean.
研究人员发现,氯和可可黄油的混合物有效地治疗了生病的珊瑚,有可能减少抗生素对海洋生态系统的负面影响。 Researchers discovered that a mixture of chlorine and cocoa butter effectively treats diseased corals, potentially reducing the negative impacts of antibiotics on ocean ecosystems. 含有普通抗消毒剂次氯酸钠的糊状物成本效益更高,生物降解速度更快,不同于可引起抗药性和污染的抗生素。 The paste, containing sodium hypochlorite, a common antiseptic, is more cost-effective and biodegrades quickly, unlike antibiotics which can cause resistance and pollution. 虽然治疗前景看好,但其效力因珊瑚物种而异,需要进一步研究。 While the treatment shows promise, its effectiveness varies among coral species, and further research is needed.