新西兰建筑公司 Level Build 提交清算文件,留下未完工的房屋。 New Zealand construction firm Level Build files for liquidation, leaving families with unfinished homes.
新西兰的一家建筑公司JT Construction(作为一级建设新普利茅斯)已自愿清算,欠债债权人约650 000美元。 A New Zealand construction company, JT Construction (trading as Level Build New Plymouth), has gone into voluntary liquidation, owing creditors around $650,000. 这给几个家庭留下了未完成的住宅项目和重大的财政损失。 This has left several families with unfinished home projects and significant financial losses. 由于物力和劳力成本不断上涨,市场竞争加剧,公司面临困难,因此其财务状况无法持续。 The company faced difficulties due to rising material and labor costs and increased market competition, making its financial situation unsustainable.