拜登总统因对关于可能与哈马斯进行人质交易的问题的怪异回应而面临批评。 President Biden faces criticism for an odd response to a question about a potential hostage deal with Hamas.
总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)在任期结束前不知不觉地回答关于可能与哈马斯进行人质交易的问题后,遭到批评。 President Joe Biden faced criticism after responding oddly to a question about a potential hostage deal with Hamas before the end of his term. 当以色列记者Neria Kraus问她时,Biden开玩笑地问她是否可以避免被背后的照相机击中。 When asked by Israeli journalist Neria Kraus, Biden jokingly asked if she could avoid being hit by a camera behind her. 换文引发了社交媒体的反弹, 有些人批评他的反应是轻蔑的, 其他人则关注哈马斯仍扣留人质的问题。 The exchange sparked social media backlash, with some criticizing his response as dismissive and others focusing on the issue of hostages still held by Hamas.