总统拜登与记者发生冲突, 声称他知道的世界领袖比在场的记者都多。 President Biden clashed with reporters, claiming he knows more world leaders than any journalist present.
在2025年1月5日白宫的一次活动上, 拜登总统批评记者, 声称他知道的世界领袖比他们在生活中遇到的领袖都多。 At a White House event on January 5, 2025, President Biden criticized reporters, asserting he knows more world leaders than any of them have met in their lives. 这一评论是在拜登坚持前总统特朗普对民主构成威胁的立场之后发表的。 This comment followed Biden's defense of his stance that former President Trump posed a threat to democracy. 此次事件是拜登与新闻界一系列对抗性交流中的最新事件。 The incident is the latest in a series of confrontational exchanges between Biden and the press.