Pesto 是一只大型帝企鹅雏鸟,正在墨尔本海洋生物水族馆 (Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium) 蜕变成成年羽毛。 Pesto, a large king penguin chick, is molting into adult plumage at the Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium.
Pesto 是一只以比父母大而闻名的互联网知名帝企鹅雏鸟,在他过渡到成年的过程中,它正在经历一个蜕皮过程。 Pesto, the internet-famous king penguin chick known for being larger than his parents, is undergoing a molting process as he transitions into adulthood. 佩斯托(Pesto)大约10个月大时, 正在脱下棕色羽毛, 种植成年大企鹅的典型黑白羽毛。 At about 10 months old, Pesto is shedding his brown feathers and growing the black and white plumage typical of adult king penguins. 海洋生命墨尔本水族馆的这一转变将使他能够游泳并完全融入殖民地。 This transformation at the Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium will enable him to swim and fully integrate into the colony.