Pesto the Penguin 是墨尔本 SEA Life 的病毒式明星,在生长过程中正在蜕皮和减肥。 Pesto the Penguin, a viral star at SEA Life Melbourne, is molting and losing weight during growth.
Pesto the Penguin 是墨尔本海洋生物水族馆 (SEA Life Melbourne Aquarium) 的病毒明星,随着它的婴儿羽毛蜕皮,它正在经历重大转变,进入驯兽师所说的“尴尬的青少年”阶段。 Pesto the Penguin, a viral star at SEA Life Melbourne Aquarium, is undergoing a significant transformation as it molts its baby feathers, entering what handlers call the 'awkward teen' phase. Pesto最初体重为24.8公斤,在此过程中体重下降,现在约20公斤。 Initially weighing 24.8 kg, Pesto has lost weight during this process, now around 20 kg. 这一阶段对于企鹅王来说至关重要,标志着企鹅的成长和独立。 This stage is crucial for king penguins, marking their growth and independence. Pesto的旅程吸引了许多访客, Pesto's journey has attracted numerous visitors and supports conservation awareness efforts.