新南威尔士州政府实行最高达22 000美元的罚款, 以阻止抗议者封锁纽卡斯尔附近的铁路。 NSW government introduces fines up to $22,000 to deter protesters from blocking railways near Newcastle.
新南威尔士州政府计划在计划封锁世界上最大的煤炭港纽卡斯尔之前, 对阻碍铁路的抗议者处以最高达22 000美元的罚款, The New South Wales government plans to impose fines up to $22,000 for protesters obstructing railways, adding to existing jail terms, ahead of a planned blockade at the world's largest coal port, Newcastle. 但批评者认为这是侵犯抗议权的过度反应。 The government argues the fines will deter dangerous disruptions, but critics see it as an overreaction that infringes on protest rights. 该立法旨在与2022年通过的其他阻碍法保持一致。 The legislation aims to align with other obstruction laws passed in 2022.