美国能源部拨款43 000万美元,用于33个州293个水电项目,以加强水坝安全、电网复原力和环境条件。 US Department of Energy allocates $430M for 293 hydroelectric projects in 33 states to enhance dam safety, grid resilience, and environmental conditions.
美国能源部拨款4.3亿美元,用于33个州的293个水电项目,以加强水坝安全、电网复原力和环境条件。 The US Department of Energy has allocated $430 million for 293 hydroelectric projects in 33 states to enhance dam safety, grid resilience, and environmental conditions. 在《两党基础设施法》的资助下,这些举措将翻修平均79年的老化设施,预计将吸引28亿美元的额外投资。 Funded by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, these initiatives will refurbish aging facilities, averaging 79 years old, and are projected to attract $2.8 billion in additional investments. 加利福尼亚州、华盛顿州和缅因州获得的资金份额最大。 California, Washington, and Maine received the largest shares of funding. 该方案还支持 " 正义40倡议 ",旨在造福处境不利的社区。 The program also supports the Justice40 Initiative, aiming to benefit disadvantaged communities.