内布拉斯加州医用大麻请愿书上的人 认罪伪造签名 Man pleads guilty to forging signatures on Nebraska's medical marijuana petition.
来自内布拉斯加州的66岁的Michael Egbert承认在医用大麻倡议请愿书上伪造签名,将其指控从重罪减为轻罪。 Michael Egbert, a 66-year-old from Nebraska, pleaded guilty to forging signatures on medical marijuana initiative petitions, reducing his charge from a felony to a misdemeanor. Egbert承认复制了电话簿上的姓名。 Egbert admitted to copying names from a phone book. 尽管存在欺诈行为,但两项医用大麻倡议分别以71%和67%的选民支持获得通过,尽管由于伪造签名,法律挑战依然存在。 Despite the fraud, the two medical marijuana initiatives passed with 71% and 67% voter support, respectively, though legal challenges remain due to the fraudulent signatures.