爱尔兰大麻活动家Martin Condon因在科克种植大麻被判有罪, Irish cannabis activist Martin Condon convicted of cultivating cannabis in Cork, citing civil disobedience for medical access.
爱尔兰大麻活动家Martin Condon因5项在科克(包括市政厅等地点)种植大麻罪被定罪。 Irish cannabis activist Martin Condon was convicted on five counts of cultivating cannabis in Cork, including locations like City Hall. 患有癫痫的Condon声称,他的行动是非暴力反抗,目的是引发一场关于病人获得大麻的全国辩论。 Condon, who suffers from epilepsy, claimed his actions were civil disobedience aimed at sparking a national debate on cannabis access for patients. 法院承认了一项控罪,但以缺乏证据为由驳回了另一项控罪。 The court acknowledged one count but dismissed another for lack of evidence. 判刑时间定在11月25日,等待缓刑报告。 Sentencing is set for November 25, pending a probation report.