爱尔兰警察在涉及Josephine Dullard失踪的1995年一起寒冷案件中逮捕了一名男子。 Irish police arrest a man in a 1995 cold case involving the disappearance of Josephine Dullard.
爱尔兰警方逮捕了一名55岁的男子,这名男子与1995年失踪的Jo Jo Jo Dullard Josephine "Jo Jo" Dullard的失踪和推定谋杀有关。 In a breakthrough in a nearly 30-year-old cold case, Irish police have arrested a 55-year-old man in connection with the disappearance and presumed murder of Josephine "Jo Jo" Dullard, who vanished in 1995. 逮捕是在经过重新调查后,在Kildare-Wicklow边界附近搜查了多处财产和土地,当局希望在那里找到证据,包括Dullard的遗骸。 The arrest comes after a renewed investigation led to the search of multiple properties and lands near the Kildare-Wicklow border, where authorities hope to find evidence, including Dullard's remains. Dullard的家人长期以来一直为这个案件辩护,他们为争取信息和正义而奋斗。 The case has been a long-standing one for Dullard's family, who have campaigned for information and justice. 嫌疑人以前是涉案人,现在根据爱尔兰法律被拘押接受讯问。 The suspect, previously a person of interest, is being held for questioning under Irish law.