爱尔兰警方现在将伊莉莎白·克拉克母亲的失踪 视为一起谋杀案 启动新的搜索 Irish police now treat the disappearance of mother Elizabeth Clarke as a murder case, launching a new search.
爱尔兰警方将24岁母亲Elizabeth Clarke的失踪重新分类, 最近一次是2013年的谋杀案调查。 Irish police have reclassified the disappearance of 24-year-old mother Elizabeth Clarke, last seen in 2013, as a murder investigation. Clarke,来自Navan,Co Pashh, 2015年被她的家人正式报告失踪。 Clarke, from Navan, Co Meath, was officially reported missing by her family in 2015. 尽管进行了广泛的搜查,但没有发现任何发现。 Despite extensive searches, no sightings have been found. 在专门小组的支持下,纳万的一所房屋正在进行新的搜索行动。 A new search operation is underway at a house in Navan, with support from specialized teams. 警察敦促公众提供任何信息,确保敏感地处理所有线索。 Police urge the public to come forward with any information, assuring sensitive handling of all leads.