爱尔兰警察逮捕了与在韦克斯福德县Gorey发现的一具尸体有关的一名男子和一名妇女。 Irish police arrested a man and a woman in connection with a body found in Gorey, County Wexford.
2024年7月,爱尔兰警方逮捕了一名50多岁的男子和一名40多岁的妇女,原因是在Wexford县Gorey发现了一名40岁男子的尸体。 In July 2024, Irish police arrested a man in his 50s and a woman in her 40s in connection with the discovery of a 40-year-old man's body in Gorey, County Wexford. 由一名高级官员领导的调查正在根据1997年《刑法法》第7(2)条审查潜在的罪行,嫌疑人正在地方警察局关押。 The investigation, led by a senior officer, is examining potential offenses under Section 7(2) of the Criminal Law Act, 1997, and the suspects are being held at local stations.