印度与美国的贸易在不断增长,尽管在供应链转变的推动下丧失了优惠地位。 India's trade with the U.S. grows despite losing preferential status, buoyed by supply chain shifts.
尽管印度在特朗普政府下失去了普遍优惠制的地位,但与美国的贸易却显示出显著增长,特别是在鞋类、矿物、化学品和机械等部门。 Despite losing its Generalized System of Preferences status under the Trump administration, India's trade with the US has shown significant growth, particularly in sectors like footwear, minerals, chemicals, and machinery. 印度国家银行的一份报告表明,目前供应链的转变和“Trump 2.0”的潜在回报可以进一步提升印度在药品、电子产品和纺织品方面的出口。 A State Bank of India report suggests that ongoing supply chain shifts and the potential return of a "Trump 2.0" could further boost India's exports in pharmaceuticals, electronics, and textiles. 这种增长表明印度在全球市场上的复原力和竞争优势。 This growth indicates India's resilience and competitive edge in global markets.