NC的Beaufort房屋火灾造成十只宠物死亡, House fire in Beaufort, NC, kills ten pets but leaves no human injuries, after six-hour response.
星期天晚上北卡罗来纳州Beaufort珍珠车道发生火灾,造成10只宠物死亡,其中包括狗和猫,但没有人员受伤的报告。 A house fire on Pearl Drive in Beaufort, North Carolina, on Sunday evening led to the death of ten pets, including dogs and cats, but no human injuries were reported. 来自八个省的消防员工作了六个多小时,以扑灭严重损坏房屋的烈火。 Firefighters from eight departments worked for over six hours to extinguish the blaze that heavily damaged the house, which was on stilts. Beaufort和Carteret县消防员正在调查火灾原因。 The Beaufort and Carteret County fire marshals are investigating the cause of the fire. 美国红十字会正在帮助流离失所的家庭,卡特特县动物控制局正在帮助幸存的动物。 The American Red Cross is assisting the displaced family, and Carteret County Animal Control is helping with the surviving animals.