位于南卡罗来纳州康威的472号公路上的厨房大火导致3只狗被救出,没有人受伤;红十字会协助流离失所的居民. Kitchen fire on Highway 472 in Conway, SC, led to 3 dog rescues and no human injuries; Red Cross assists displaced residents.
消防员于星期三上午8时40分在南卡罗来纳州康韦472号公路上一家家中对厨房火灾作出反应。 三只狗获救;两只未受伤,一人接受宠物氧气罩治疗。 Firefighters responded to a kitchen fire at a home on Highway 472 in Conway, South Carolina, on Wednesday at 8:40 a.m. Three dogs were rescued; two were unharmed, while one received treatment with a pet oxygen mask. 没有人员受伤的报告。 No human injuries were reported. 消防队控制着大火,目前正在调查其原因。 Fire crews contained the blaze, and an investigation into its cause is ongoing. 红十字会将协助流离失所的居民。 The Red Cross will assist displaced residents.