8 月 10 日,在 Detour Road 424 号的 Sale Creek 房屋火灾中,4 只宠物丢失,家庭住宅完全损失。 4 pets lost, family's home a total loss in Sale Creek house fire on 10th August at 424 Detour Road.
沙雷溪的一场房屋火灾造成4只宠物(3只狗和1只小猫)损失, A house fire in Sale Creek has resulted in the loss of 4 pets (3 dogs and 1 kitten) and has left a family's home as a total loss. 8月10日下午10时25分左右,在424条Detour路发生火灾。 The fire occurred on 10th August at 424 Detour Road at around 10:25 pm. 消防员设法在晚上11点前控制了火灾,没有关于人员受伤的报告。 Firefighters managed to contain the fire by 11 pm and no human injuries were reported. 火灾原因仍在汉密尔顿郡治安官办公室调查之中,已请美国红十字会协助受影响家庭。 The cause of the fire remains under investigation by the Hamilton County Sheriff's Office, and the American Red Cross has been requested to assist the affected family.