加利福尼亚州长Gavin Newsom在退伍军人日赦免了五名退伍军人,以协助他们康复。 California Governor Gavin Newsom pardoned five veterans on Veterans Day to aid their rehabilitation.
在退伍军人日,加利福尼亚州长Gavin Newsom赦免了在几十年前被判犯有抢劫和毒品罪等罪行的5名退伍军人。 On Veterans Day, California Governor Gavin Newsom granted pardons to five veterans convicted of crimes decades ago, including robbery and drug offenses. 赦免的目的是恢复他们因定罪而丧失的某些权利,并支持他们康复。 The pardons aim to restore certain rights lost due to their convictions and support their rehabilitation. Newsom也为荣誉获得者Sgt奖章发起了一个死后赦免程序。 Newsom also initiated a posthumous pardon process for Medal of Honor recipient Sgt. Richard Allen Penry, 他面临毒品相关定罪。 Richard Allen Penry, who faced drug-related convictions. 赦免并不消除犯罪记录,但可以改善退伍军人的就业和社会机会。 The pardons do not erase criminal records but can improve employment and social opportunities for the veterans.