田纳西州州长Bill Lee赦免了43人,几乎翻了一番他上一年度的总数。 Tennessee Governor Bill Lee pardoned 43 individuals, nearly doubling his previous yearly total.
田纳西州州长Bill Lee赦免了已服满刑期的43人,几乎是上个年度总人数的两倍。 Tennessee Governor Bill Lee pardoned 43 individuals who have completed their sentences, marking nearly double his previous yearly total. 这一行动与拜登总统最近的减刑明显不同,后者缩短了对1 500多名囚犯的刑期。 This move is notably different from President Biden's recent commutations, which shortened sentences for over 1,500 inmates. Lee的赦免仅适用于那些已经出狱至少五年并表现出模范行为的人,每个人都得到州假释委员会的建议。 Lee's pardons apply only to those who have been out of prison for at least five years and have shown exemplary behavior, with each receiving a recommendation from the state Board of Parole.