加州州长赦免Earonne Woods, 监狱播客Ear Hustle的共同创始人。 California Governor pardons Earlonne Woods, co-founder of the prison podcast "Ear Hustle."
加州州长Gavin Newsom 赦免了Earonne Woods, 他是著名的监狱播客“Ear Hustle”的共同创始人。 California Governor Gavin Newsom has pardoned Earlonne Woods, co-founder of the popular prison podcast "Ear Hustle." 曾因殴打和抢劫未遂而服刑的伍兹因其突出监狱生活的工作获得了国际认可。 Woods, who served time for assault and attempted robbery, gained international recognition for his work highlighting prison life. 这一赦免有助于前囚犯找到工作,是在Woods获释以来表现出显著的个人成长之后提出的。 The pardon, which helps former inmates find employment, comes after Woods demonstrated significant personal growth since his release. 这个播客下载了超过8000万次, 改变了公众对监狱生活的看法。 The podcast, with over 80 million downloads, has transformed public perceptions of prison life.