西米德兰早餐俱乐部是劳工捐赠者,由房地产开发商秘密资助,引起对透明度的担忧。 West Midlands Breakfast Club, a Labour donor, is secretly funded by property developers, raising transparency concerns.
观察员发现,向劳工党捐赠13万英镑的西米德兰早餐俱乐部(WMBC)由四名房地产开发商秘密资助。 The Observer uncovered that the West Midlands Breakfast Club (WMBC), which donated £130,000 to the Labour party, is secretly funded by four property developers. 该小组没有向选举委员会披露细节。 The group failed to disclose details to the Electoral Commission. 最大的捐助者支持伯明翰大型摩天大楼项目,引起了潜在利益冲突问题。 The largest donor is behind a major Birmingham skyscraper project, raising questions about potential conflicts of interest. 世界货币理事会不需公布账户或披露资金来源,这突出表明了对政治捐款透明度的关切。 The WMBC is not required to publish accounts or disclose funding sources, highlighting concerns about transparency in political donations.