两名夏威夷公共工程雇员因据称从Hilo警察局偷窃煤气而被捕。 Two Hawaii public works employees were arrested for allegedly stealing gas from the Hilo Police Station.
夏威夷县公共工程部两名雇员因据称从Hilo警察局偷汽油而被逮捕。 Two Hawaii County Department of Public Works employees were arrested for allegedly stealing gasoline from the Hilo Police Station. 37岁的Christin Eve Ho'omaikainani Ho, 面临两起三级盗窃罪,39岁的Chase K. Leopoldino面临一桩盗窃罪。 Christin Eve Ho'omaikainani Ho, 37, faces two counts of third-degree theft, and Chase K. Leopoldino, 39, faces one count. 他们在值班时被捕,他们使用县级车辆向私人车辆装满汽油。 They were arrested while on duty, using county vehicles to fill their private vehicles with gas. 两人均被保释,定于12月24日出庭。 Both were released on bail and are set to appear in court on December 24. 警方和县警察局正在调查这些事件。 The police and county department are investigating the incidents.