俄克拉荷马州警方在劫车案中抓获了一名嫌疑人,但另一名嫌疑人在追逐和撞车后仍然在逃。 Oklahoma police caught one suspect in a carjacking case, but another remains at large after a chase and crash.
在俄克拉荷马市, 警方在一起汽车劫持和追逐事件中逮捕了一名嫌疑人, In Oklahoma City, police apprehended one suspect after a carjacking and chase that ended in a crash near Southeast 81st Street and Sooner Road. 劫车受害者并没有受伤。 The carjacking victim was not hurt. 一名嫌疑人徒步逃跑,被抓获,但另一人仍然在逃,据报有人看到他拿着火器。 One suspect fled on foot and was caught, but another remains at large, reportedly seen with a firearm. 调查继续找到第二名嫌疑人。 The investigation continues to locate the second suspect.